Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

Dear Valued Customer,

We at PARTQUIP are continually looking for ways to improve our customer support. In order to help us further improve our service, we would be grateful if you could spend a few moments of your time to complete the following questionnaire.

1. Produces high quality products
2. Quality of products consistent
3. Keeps to agreed delivery times
4. Is pro-active in ensuring that quality problems are addressed
SALES DEPARTMENTAlwaysSometimesNever
1. Present their products and prices in an easily understandable and accurate manner:
2. Give accurate information about their product specifications
3. Follow-up after sales
4. Create a professional image of the company
1. Respond timeously to queries
2. Are technically competent
3. Handle complaints in a professional manner
4. Inform us pro-actively about possible future problems